Week 21
Mon Nov 8 2021
The ominous gemstone has been stolen from SirArcher's vault, it's location is unknown and any information is valuable. If you have any suspicions or leads, contact SirArcher. If the gemstone is not located soon, the end of the world may be near.
In less, apocalyptic news, SirArcher's volcano "Mt. Prometheus" nears completion, leaving only a few parts left. The south side and part of the north side are currently incomplete, and one room is still missing. But will be completed soon.
Sensei has been working on his wall, it grew a few more blocks this week, and is drawing nearer to becoming a solid structure.
Levi now has all of the music discs, and multiple copies, and is selling them for a fairly cheap price.
Week 20
Mon Nov 1 2021
Happy Halloween!
This weekend, most of the Mayans, and the Gem Demon, were absent from the Mayancraft world. Each was off celebrating Halloween, and even some meeting up irl.
Little happened this week, save for slow and steady work on a couple bases, the walls around Sensei grew steadily taller, while SirArcher starts finishing the backs of each mountain outside his base.
While the costumes weren't really shown off because of the lack of players online, SirArcher went as a Pufferfish, which you can see on his twitter, and Sensei went as a bird.
Weeks 18 and 19
Wed Oct 27 2021
BREAKING NEWS: The Gem Demon has been spotted by a Mayan just days ago. According to Sensei, both him and Ur_mrclean saw the Gem Demon. "Didn't even look at me", "I saw it and flew away", says Sensei. To Sensei's knowledge it has not reappeared since.
Ur_mrclean corroborated the story that the Gem Demon did nothing while it was there.
Meanwhile, Sensei and SirArcher have been working hard on their respective bases. Sensei's wall continues to grow, and SirArcher's Volcano is nearly complete. Both were interrupted by floating leaves, ice, and mushrooms. It is unclear if this has any connection to the reappearance of the Gem Demon.
Weeks 16 and 17
Sat Oct 9 2021
A few changes are coming to Mayancraft's World and Website. SirArcher is no longer the only one working on this website, Disco, Levi, and Duck are now all writers. Hopefully with more staff there will be more up to date pages and articles.
Another change that is coming possibly this season or the next is the addition of cosmetic armor. Some Mayans will now have customized armor, elytra, and shields. Examples of this are shown in the picture that goes with this article. From left to right you have: Particle, Ur_mrclean, Levi, SirArcher, and then Sensei's armor.
On the server, a few Mayans have got together to build a nether tunnel system, SirArcher, Sensei, Levi, and Xokou have been hollowing out and constructing the mansion themed hallways, with carpet color denoting the different locations.
Weeks 12-15
Thur Sep 23 2021
Welcome Sensei back to Mayancraft! After a few months away, he has started his new base and reconnected with the rest of the Mayans.
Sensei has settled in the desert as he planned before he left, but this time the foundations of a mega base have begun to be built. The area within the massive walls is a marked PvP zone.
Besides building his mega base, Sensei has joined SirArcher for some various streams. Who has also been working on a mega base. SirArcher's volcano has continued to spread across the landscape, adding new mountains and lakes to the volcanic canyons.
Ur_mrclean and Glacis are still trapped in the nether, neither one knows how to get out. If either are reading this, go towards (0,0).
Levi has been working on his Halo themed base and afking at farms. He is also working on a pack that will allow people to have customized armor and elytra.
Jason is continuing work on his network of spheres above the plains, building various biomes inside. Including the lush cave and the nether.
Weeks 4 through 11 (Most of Summer)
During the summer SirArcher got lazy covering the news, so these 7 weeks are going to be in this one article.
JasonBr1ckHead has been building a base high above the plains where he started out, the structure is a group of connected glass spheres. Similar to a molecule design, with multiple beacons running through it.
Levi also has a couple beacons, now with his 30 beacons he has moved far out into a savanna to work on a halo themed base. Building a mammoth, warthog, pelican, and hangar while streaming. Levi has also started a "Hardcore with Frens" series, with SirArcher, Disco, Fluffy, and some non Mayancraft players as well, by the names of BugZapperBob and Sir Powerade.
Apart from joining in on Levi's hardcore world, SirArcher has finished up the shattered isles and is moving on to his mega base. He has started work on a massive volcano, inspired by Death Mountain from "Legend of Zelda BOTW". After being lit on fire many times, he has completed the cone, and plans to move on to the landscape and the actual base within.
Disco has decided to become a nomad, instead of having a base, he plans to move around and see the world. He hasn't been on as much recently. But with no base to build, there isn't as much need to.
Finally, Glacis is stuck in the nether, someone should probably go save him when they get around to it.
Week 2 and 3
Wed Jul 7 2021
Mayancraft now has improved generation! If you venture outside of previously generated chunks, you can find grand peaks, and massive caves.
The members of the industrial district have conducted some upgrades. They have constructed wool, kelp, bamboo, and potato farms, and a central storage room.
Both Fluffy and Duck have returned to the Realm after losing their items, each working to regain them.
Levi is also back after being out of town for week 2, he has set up a new shop in the shopping district, and has been working on his airship.
SirArcher has been working away in his base, moving into a new house, a cabin on the shattered isles, and immediately wanting a bigger house, after realizing he has 24 chests of blocks to store somewhere.
Particle has been working on his base and getting gear, out in his distant desert. Spending most of his time, making the multi day journey between civilization, and his home.
Finally, Xookou has been working on a base fairly far away. He has also been helping Levi and Archer with the industrial district.
Mon Jun 28 2021
As of Saturday, Mayancraft is now one year old. Starting with four members in Season One, Mayancraft now has twelve members. It has been an eventful year, and a great one to look back on.
Year One
Mayancraft Season 1 started June 26th, 2020, with Archer, Disco, Xookou, and Sensei. Back when Sensei was Happy 0kapiz. Season 1 was based around a jungle and was only 4 months long. During this season many things happened, Sensei snuck away each day to work on a cave of dragons, SirArcher built a tower and expansive ash plains, and the first shopping district was created. The Mayancraft website got it’s first few articles, and the foundations of the realm were set. In September, everyone was feeling bored of that world, and Season 2 was announced, and was set to begin on September 26th.
Season 2 is where Mayancraft began to thrive. The Mayancraft news began at the start of the season and is still releasing articles almost every week. Season 2 started with only the four Season 1 players but ended with 11. The first few to arrive were Ur_mrclean and Icewings, who is now Glacis. Both of which arrived before the Holidays. Over the next few months, the player count was static. During this period storylines began to emerge, and epic structures were created. The Gem Saga took place between November and February. Packatown, the Shopping District, the Citadel, Sensei’s Stronghold, and many other builds were worked on, some finished, and others only beginning.
Then along came spring, during this period many players joined. Particle and Levi joined for Spring break, and Jason, Duck, and CraftFish followed. These new players didn’t have much time to enjoy season 2, because after 9 months of the same season the players were out of ideas and inspiration. But with summer on the horizon, Season 3 wasn’t ready to start yet. Then season 2.5 started. This new season was different than the rest, it was a small world, only 128x128. But the main feature was that each player had powers, there was a dragon, piglin, yeti, merling, and many more. This season gave rise to Canadia, a short-lived country based in the cold part of the map. During this time, a few players began to stream on twitch, SirArcher started about halfway through the mini season, followed by Levi, and then Disco. This meant 5 people on Mayancraft streamed, due to Xookou and Particle already streaming.
Finally, summer began. After a week of no season, Season 3 started. To kick of this new season, one new player joined, Fluffy. With this new season, people have spread out across a huge map. This new season is made in the 1.17 update, so all of the new blocks are available to the Mayans. While the season is still young, only being 16 days old at the time of this article, it has a bright future.
New Policies and Info
Moving into the new year of Mayancraft, many things are going to change, most of which won’t massively effect the average player.
When creating things related to Mayancraft, please do not use any official Mayancraft branding or artwork for this. In a similar fashion, do not create “Official” Mayancraft related things without getting SirArcher to sign off on it. This is because Mayancraft is growing, and now viewers on twitch are seeing Mayancraft. We need to keep the brand integrity of Mayancraft.
Now when SirArcher is on vacation or is unable to do his duty as Admin/Owner of Mayancraft, SenseiChikin will be assigned to be the Acting Admin for the period of time. There is an article detailing this more under the rules page.
Mayancraft will also be limiting new players joining, 0-1 a season. This is because of the online player cap being 10. This should not keep players from applying on the website, but it should be known that there is low chance of a player getting in, and even lower chance of a player joining midseason. This is not to say that it is impossible.
Another new policy with new players is that the players that are invited by a current Mayan reflect on that Mayan. For example, if a new player joins and griefs everything, it will not look good for the person who invited them.
Mayancraft Season 4 will begin sometime in December, due to 1.18 coming out then. This is farther away than it sounds.
The Mayancraft anniversary pack is ready for release, go to this post to get it. (Sadly the pack does not work on console)
Final Notes
Thank you to every Member of Mayancraft, from the original players to the newer ones. It has been a great year, working on projects and interacting with each person. I would like to thank everyone for being part of this for it’s first year. It has been a great experience, it has personally helped me grow as a Minecrafter, a leader, and a person. I can’t wait to see what this new year brings, whether it be builds, games, or new players. -SirArcher
Week 1
Tue Jun 22 2021
Season 3 has begun! Now with a group of 12 members with the newest member joining. FluffyConnickJr appeared on Mayancraft for the first time on day one of S3.
Fluffy has found a home nearby Levi, atop a steep snowy hill among the goats. Currently he seems to be getting ready for the rest of the season, finding resources and making acquaintances.
Racing for the end to get elytra day one was SirArcher, he has started building a mega base immediately. He has plans to blow up the moon with a laser blast from a turret atop his evil ocean lair.
Levi has sped through his base building and is halfway or more through his giant airship. Using copper and deepslate the airship is a sight to behold floating atop his bay.
Ur_mrclean has moved into his bay and has begun work on a house. He has been able to get to work on it right after he escaped the cave he was trapped in for 3 days.
Jason has travelled out to the jungle and has brought back resources to sell. He has also demolished a village in the southeast of the map. Jason has mostly been working in that area or trading with other players.
As he does, Xookou has established an industrial district. But this time not alone. SirArcher, Levi, and Fluffy have teamed up to build a much better industrial district. Xookou has also went to kill the dragon again, now having an egg of his own. This season he has plans to build a large island which is already outlined in his ocean.
Happy, now Sensei Chikin, has found a place in the desert because of the nice water color there. He plans to build a wall to keep everyone out. The airspace and land are private property.
Duck has moved into the birch forest, he sadly died in a cave and lost everything, and plans to return to the world after taking some time to refresh.
Particle has a new computer and has traveled to his base location, probably the furthest from the spawn. Still setting up camp there, but using the surrounding desert he plans to start a glass buisness.
Icewings has also had a name change, he is now Glacis, and has said he plans to begin streaming at some point.